Marsh Study III


Size: 8” x 10”

Medium: Oil on canvas

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Lindsay Jones

Oil painter, Lindsay Hawfield Jones, has studied modern landscape and abstract painting at The Torpedo Factory Art CenterThe Carlton Gallery and Braitman Studios. Lindsay minored in Studio Art at Wake Forest University, with a focus on oil painting, and participated in an independent art study at Casa Artom in Venice, Italy.

Lindsay donates paintings to benefit a variety of nonprofit causes and created “Art Share,” a program that provides commissioned works of art for nonprofit organizations, including Habitat for Humanity Charlotte homeowners and Roof Above (Urban Ministry Center) housing facilities. She is a past board member and in-hospital volunteer for Arts For Life, a nonprofit organization providing children with art education in health care settings.

Lindsay welcomes commissions and the opportunity to work with clients on specific paintings for gifts, corporate and public spaces, and residences.